Clover: Cost 15 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 1
— Grow Time: 4h (four hours)
— Profit: +5 Coins
— Animals: Holstein Cow, Beehive
— Gear: Cheesemaster, Baker, Jam'r
— Products: Honey, Milk, Cheese, Bread, Jam
— Description: Clover can be harvested in 4h and sold for 20 coins generating a profit of 5 coins. However, Clover is a vital part of the production process for many additional more profitable Country Life items. The purchase of one or more Beehives (animals) will allow bees to pollinate the fully grown, unharvested Clover and produce Honey. Clover and Pollinated Clover can be harveted and fed to the Holstein Cow, Ayrshire Cow and/or the Montebeliarde Cow to produce Milk. Milk (by itself) can be used in the Cheeasemaster to produce Cheese. Milk can be used in the Baker to produce Bread, however, the production of Bread also requires Flour and Eggs.
Wheat: Cost 35 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 3
— Grow Time: 12h (twelve hours)
— Profit: +13 Coins
— Animals: Sheep
— Gear: Weaver, Baker
— Buildings: Dutch Mill, Brick Mill
— Products: Wool, Wool Sweater, Flour, Bread
— Description: Wheat can be harvested in 12 Hours and sold for 48 coins generating a profit of 13 coins. Wheat is the base crop for the further production of more profitable Country Life items. Wheat can be fed to Sheep to make Wool which can then be used in the Weaver to make Wool Sweaters, or Wheat can be used in the Dutch Mill or Brick Mill to make Flour which is needed for the Production of Bread in the Baker. However, the production of Bread also requires Eggs and Milk.
Corn: Cost 60 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 5
— Grow Time: 20h (twenty hours)
— Profit: +20 Coins
— Animals: Chicken
— Gear: Chicken Coop, Baker, Brick Mill
— Products: Eggs, Bread, Cornmeal
— Description: Corn can be harvested in 20h and sold for 80 coins generating a profit of 20 coins. Corn is the base crop for the production of Eggs. Harvested Corn is fed to Chickens in a Chicken coop to produce Eggs. Eggs can be used in the production of Bread. However the production of Bread also requires Milk and Flour. Corn may also be used in the production of Cornmeal Using the Brick Mill production building.
Tomatoes: Cost 20 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 7
— Grow Time: 16h (sixten hours)
— Profit: +17 Coins
— Gear: Ketchup Wiz
— Products: Ketchup
— Description: Tomatoes can be harvested in 16h and sold for 37 coins generating a profit of 17 coins. Tomatoes can be used in the Ketchup Wiz to produce Ketchup.
Carrots: Cost 75 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 8
— Grow Time: 8h (eight hours)
— Profit: +9 Coins
— Animals: Angora Rabbit
— Gear: Weaver, Cool Packer
— Products: Angora Hair, Angora Sweater
— Description: Carrots can be harvested in 8h and sold for 84 coins generating a profit of 9 coins. Carrots can be fed to an Angora Rabbit to produce Angora Hair, and Angora Hair can be used in the Weaver to produce Angora Sweaters. Carrots can also be used in the Cool Packer to produce Packed Carrots.
Grapes: Cost 105 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 10
— Grow Time: 10h (ten hours)
— Profit: +11 Coins
— Gear: Winemaker, Jam'r
— Products: Wine, Grape Jam
— Description: Grapes can be harvested in 10h and sold for 116 Coins generating a profit of Coins. Grapes can also be used with Honey in the Jam'r Gear to produce Grape Jam or Grapes can be used alone in the Winemaker to produce Wine.
Blueberries: Cost 85 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 19
— Grow Time: 3h (three hours)
— Profit: +6 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Blueberry Jam
— Description: Blueberries can be harvested in 3h and sold for 91 Coins generating a profit of 6 Coins. Blueberries can also be used with Honey in the Jam'r Gear to produce Blueberry Jam.
Blackberries: Cost 125 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 23
— Grow Time: 6h (six hours)
— Profit: +10 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Blackberry Jam
— Description: Blackberries can be harvested in 6h and sold for 135 Coins generating a profit of 10 Coins. Blackberries can also be used with Honey in the Jam'r Gear to produce Blackberry Jam.
Rasberries: Cost 95 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 27
— Grow Time: 5h (five hours)
— Profit: +9 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Rasberry Jam
— Description: Rasberries can be harvested in 5h and sold for 104 Coins generating a profit of 9 Coins. Rasberries can also be used with Honey in the Jam'r Gear to produce Rasberry Jam.
Strawberries: Cost 185 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 29
— Grow Time: 9h (nine hours)
— Profit: +14 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Strawberry Jam
— Description: Strawberries can be harvested in 9h and sold for 199 Coins generating a profit of 14 Coins. Strawberries can also be used with Honey in the Jam'r Gear to produce Strawberry Jam.
Potatoes: Cost 115 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 32
— Grow Time: 18h (eighteen hours)
— Profit: +20 Coins
— Gear: Cool Packer
— Buildings: – – –
— Products: Packed Potatoes
— Description: Potatoes can be harvested in 18h and sold for 135 coins generating a profit of 20 coins. Potatoes can also be used in the Cool Packer Gear to produce Packed Potatoes.
Green Lettuce: Cost 160 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 35
— Grow Time: 8h (eight hours)
— Profit: +10 Coins
— Gear: Cool Packer
— Products: Packed Lettuce
— Description: Green Lettuce can be harvested in 8h and sold for 170 coins generating a profit of 10 coins. Green Lettuce can be used in the Cool Packer Gear to produce Packed Lettuce.
Red Peppers: Cost 225 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 39
— Grow Time: 14h (fourteen hours)
— Profit: +20 Coins
— Gear: Cool Packer
— Products: Packed Peppers
— Description: Red Peppers can be harvested in 14h and sold for 245 coins generating a profit of 10 coins. Red Peppers can be used in the Cool Packer Gear to produce Packed Peppers.
Pumpkins: Cost 260 Coins (+1 XP)
— Available: Level 45
— Grow Time: 15h (fifteen hours)
— Profit: +22 Coins
— Animals: N/A
— Gear: N/A
— Buildings: N/A
— Products: N/A
— Description: Pumpkins can be harvested in 15h and sold for 282 coins generating a profit of 22 coins. At this point, I have found no further use for pumpkins.
Apple Tree: Cost 415 Coins or Free by Gift
— Available: Buy @ Level 2
— Grow Time: 16h
— Profit: +15 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Apple Jam
— Description: The Country Life Apple Tree can be harvested every 16h providing 1 Apples for every 1 Apple Tree harvested. Apples can be sold for 15 coins each for pure profit. 1 Apples can also be used with 1 Honey to produce Apple Jam.
Cherry Tree: Cost 625 Coins or Free by Gift
— Available: Buy @ Level 9
— Grow Time: 18h
— Profit: +20 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Cherry Jam
— Description: The Country Life Cherry Tree can be harvested every 18h providing 1 Cherries for every 1 Cherry Tree harvested. Cherries can be sold for 20 coins each for pure profit. 1 Cherries can also be used with 1 Honey to produce Cherry Jam.
Orange Tree: Cost 850 Coins or Free by Gift
— Available: Buy @ Level 17
— Grow Time: 20h
— Profit: +28 Coins
— Gear: Jam'r
— Products: Orange Jam
— Description: The Country Life Orange Tree can be harvested every 20h providing 1 Oranges for every 1 Orange Tree harvested. Oranges can be sold for 20 coins each for pure profit. 1 Oranges can also be used with 1 Honey to produce Orange Jam.
Banana Tree: Cost 975 Coins or Free by Gift
— Available: Buy @ Level 21
— Grow Time: 22h
— Profit: +35 Coins
— Gear: – – –
— Products: – – –
— Description: The Country Life Orange Tree can be harvested every 22h providing 1 Bananas for every 1 Banana Tree harvested. Bananas can be sold for 35 coins each for pure profit. At this time, I found no further use for harvested Bananas.